Sky Watch 9 : the final issue as lockdown is eased

The Sky Watch this week is to make people new to Astronomy see just what is out there that makes life easier for you and also to view some of the amazing images that are being produced almost on a daily basis. In the 2020s, there are a number of massive land-based telescopes coming on stream as well as the replacement for the Hubble Space Telescope - the James Webb Space Telescope. We are going to find out so much more - which will undoubtedly lead to more unanswered questions!

Here are the best free apps that will be a real boost for you - and these are shown in more detail on the home page of our website.


These apps will really help you to see the night sky and enjoy the amazing space images. And so to close with words that a dad of a former student says when he is on the box -

“and thank you for watching…”

David Martin